Best ways to shop small & support local business

Best ways to shop small & support local business

As someone who deeply values supporting local businesses and the wider local economy, I'm always mindful of where I spend my money. This has been all the more important to me in recent times. With political and environment issues at the fore, I'm always conscious to spend my hard earned cash in a way that aligns with my values. 

If you've felt this way too, but haven't known where to even begin or how to support the small businesses you love, let me share some tips that have helped me over the years. I've also included links for the businesses I've mentioned, at the bottom of this page. 

Visit your local craft fair or farmers market

These are a great way to start small, and also a nice day out too! I love a good potter around St Georges Market in Belfast on the weekends. There are some fabulous local makers and wonderful food stalls. If you get a chance to visit, make a stop by the Italian desserts stall at the back corner...and get one of their tarts, they are *chefs kiss* 

It isn't all or nothing

You don't have to make every purchase, from a small business. We understand that might not always be possible, logistically or financially. Shopping with a local business as and when we can, is miles better than never at all. You can even start by making small swaps such as buying your eggs from a local farmer with free range hens.

Word of mouth

One of the nicest things you can do for a small business, is to talk about them to your friends and family. If you've swapped out supermarket loaves of bread for your local bakery, fresh pan loaf which you absolutely LOVE - then make sure to spread that love around! Whether thats via word of mouth, social media or just leaving a lovely review on their website. 

For some small, independent crafts businesses, this can be particularly important! Seannor is a small upcycling business located ran by Rachael - turning pre-loved furniture into gorgeous new pieces! 

Use online marketplaces

I think at this point we have all heard of Etsy. While it is ideal to shop directly from a small business website or store front, sometimes it can be handy to use those larger online marketplaces to find local makers. You can use filters to sort sellers from UK right down to as local as Belfast. 

Shopping local retailers

Within most towns, you can typically find a small retail store, devoted to stocking only from other small businesses. Not online do these bricks and mortar shops provide jobs to local people, they also hold a plethora of beautiful products from local brands you've probably never heard of! Here in Belfast, we have a store called 'Born and Bred' which stocks artwork, gifts, clothing and skincare all from local artists and makers.

Another favourite of mine is Maven, located on the Lisburn road. This store has some beautiful, carefully selected and curated home content! Definitely worth a visit. 

Whatever avenue you decide, just know that shopping small and local has this incredible ripple effect through our economy and communities. Spending your money with a small business means they too are likely to be spending their profits locally. Thus helping to keep money within communities, as opposed to in the bank accounts of large multinational companies. 

After reading these tips, where do you plan to make some small business swaps? Or maybe there is a small business you already shop from and love?


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