Resolution vs Reset

Resolution vs Reset

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful and restful holiday break! I spent my christmas running around after my toddler, being made copius amounts of 'tea' with her new tea set, organising and decluttering, and relying entirely on a diet of food that is either beige or fried. It's been glorious.

But now we are in the New Year and the pressure to start a 'resolution' is on! 

Although I love the feeling of 'newness' that January can bring- I have to be honest, I am not a fan of NY resolutions. I can honestly say I have never stuck to one in my life. If you have, then I salute you. 

I've realised, rather than a resolution, I'm more inclined to enjoy a nice 'reset'.

A period of time, after a major event, to configure my baseline back to a point that I'm comfortable with. After all the running around, socialising and indulging, its nice to just reset my life to 'normal' again. Sometimes that 'normal' can have some upgrades - like some fancy new cleanser or serum to encourage me to look after my skin better. Or a nice new pair of trainers to encourage me to walk a bit more. But I never hold myself to a 'resolution' to carry out these activities. 

Other times my reset is just taking time to myself, a day to be alone and quiet. Or to spend time doing something that brings me peace or brings up feelings of nostalgia and comfort. I'm sure other parents can agree that these times can be few and far between. 

However, today, I am taking a little reset time. I've found myself a lovely cafe to sit in, to eat a bagel (I'm not ready to ditch my beige diet yet), drink a coffee and catchup on some admin. Once I get home, I'm going to light my 'Boheme' candle and watch Notting Hill on my sofa. After spending all winter burning the smokey embers of 'Inglenook', I'm now ready to bring a bit of light and freshness back into my space. 

Boheme in particular is a lovely nostalgic scent for me. Having spent a year living in San Francisco, I find Boheme's freshness to be reminiscent of time spent wandering around beautiful SF neighbourhoods with fabulous Victorian style homes. One of my favourite neighbourhoods was the quirky Haight and Ashbury which leads down to the Golden Gate park. When I light my Boheme candle I'm taken back to the California sunshine, feeling the breeze from the bay bringing the scent of fresh flowers and woods from the park, mixed with patchouli and incense from quirky stores along Haight street. 

With notes of luscious bergamot and a patchouli base, Boheme is just perfect for that rest and reset feeling.

I hope you are able to carve out some time this holiday period to find your version of reset, whatever that may look like for you! 

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