The story behind the name

The story behind the name

'The Inniscent candle'.

It looks like its a major spelling error, we get it. But it's entirely intentional... 

The name 'The Inniscent candle', is actually an ode to my grandparents. It's a blend of words for the place they lived and the word 'scent'.

My grandparents were my heroes to put it simply. They were both Belfast born and bred, hard working, funny, warm and down to earth. 


My glamorous granny Margaret had a wit that was sharp as a tack, a cheeky laugh and a warmth that made you feel like you were the most special person on earth.

She had a perfectly crafted bouffant, ear rings to rival Pat Butcher and the most immaculate classy wardrobe! Her home was her castle - always beautiful and welcoming, with curtains she handmade, flower arrangements she hand assembled, and a wonderful garden that was lovingly tended to for many years. We watched a lot of 'Gound Force' in my grannys house. She also loooved her Bingo (Kellys Eye in Belfast used to be THE place for granny Bingo)! Often she would win wee bits and pieces; I can vividly remember a beside lamp that would turn on when you tapped it, which was considered very bougie for the 90s! She was the matriarch of our family and the glue that held us all together. 



My granda Harry was the perfect ying to my grannys yang. While my granny was a homebird, my grandad loved to travel and meet new people. The man made friends literally everywhere he went, from Bermuda to Tehran. I reckon this was because he was a  fantastic listener, and a general sponge of information. To add to this, he was wicked funny. His one liners and typical Belfast, dry & endearing humour, would just crack me up. He was also the ultimate practical joker, and would go to great lengths to pull off a prank. I can still remember him dressing up as the wicked witch from the wizard of oz. Then descending the stairs with his broom, a wig and a witches hat, as I ran laughing (screaming) into the kitchen to my granny. Of course my granda thought this was top level bants. 


Of course, like everyone, they also had great loss in their lives.

My grandparents tragically lost one of their children, Jeff. This sudden loss was devastating, and I know it changed them both, but their love and devotion to remember my uncle carried on through the stories they told of him.

There would never be enough space, words or time, to fully encapsulate my grandparents of course. They also weren't very soppy people, being from working-class Belfast, so it wouldn't feel right to overly gush about them.

But it's safe to say, I loved them dearly. 


A special place

 When I first started pouring wax and blending scents, I was living within my grandparents old home. It hadnt changed much, if at all, since my granda had passed away. Their memrobalia could still be found in every corner, and artwork I drew as a child still hung in the kitchen.

It was a home that provided a loving, safe base to always return to. When the time came for me to turn this love of candles into a business, it only felt right to acknowledge that it all began in the home I loved the most. Thus 'The Inniscent candle' was born. 




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